Friday, October 15, 2010

Chateau Pontet Canet

Pontet Canet is one of the rare Bordeaux Chateax to have dived head-first into biodynamics.  Jean-Michel Comme directs activity in the vineyard and estimates that the most important factor is the human.  Walking the vineyard constantly and refusing automatic temperature control in the winery means paying regular attention to the finest details.  Compost application for example, is by hand, one shovel for a weak vine, half for a vine of medium strength and none for a strong, robust vine.

 In an effort to eliminate tractor compaction a quarter of the property is managed completely with horse-drawn equipment.  Jean-Michel takes the view that simply controlling weeds by horse is ineffective in eliminating compaction if all other operations (spraying etc.) are conducted by tractor.  The entire 200 acres will be run this way once the system is refined.
 Jean-Michel with sprayer designed for genuine horse-power
 Another view.  Complete with solar panel for lighting and small diesel pump to power the sprayer.

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