Thursday, September 30, 2010


A few short days in Firenze...
Despite all the monuments on offer in Firenze, visit number 1: Gelateria Caffe' Delle Carrozze, apparently the best gelato in Firenze.  Look closely and you can see the skidmarks on Felix's leg after being run down by a speeding Vespa...very lucky boy.  He managed to barrel-roll to the side of the road with icecream intact!

Outside S. Maria del Fiore, the Duomo and it's campanile.  Much marble!

 The Duomo fresco (commenced 1572) depicting the Last Judgement.  Incredible to see the scale and just how far off the ground this painting is.
 Climbing the Duomo, 463 steps.  Felix stopped counting out aloud after about 60.

 View from the Boboli Gardens behind the Pitti Palace.

Perseus removes head of Medusa outside the Uffizi.  A crowd favorite with Felix.

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