Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Felix gets waves in Mediterranean!!

We've had some waves in the Mediterranean.  Toby surfed in the afternoon at a more exposed spot, solid 4 footers, but the evening session was perfect for Felix just down the road from the house in Toulon.

The paddle out past Fort St Louis (built 1696-1708) which formed part of a suite of fortifications designed by Vauban (presumably to keep the Poms out).  The Citadel de Blaye featured in an earlier post was part of the same scheme.


The paddle out.  Not easy 2-up on a 5'9" with Dad's unfit arms for propulsion.
Dad is still picking Sea Urchin spines out of his feet....

Little peaks

Almost up...


Getting cheeky

Sunset, time to head home.

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